Have you seen these herps?

Fitch needs as many images as possible to develop its identification skills, and we have set a goal of 250 records per species to start. The "Wanted List" will be continually updated as the goal for a specific species is met - only the species nearest to this goal are shown. The counts below only include records that have photo vouchers.

If you have additional photos of animals already submitted to HerpMapper, please add them to the existing records.

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American Crocodile
Crocodylus acutus
246 records
California Red-legged Frog
Amerana draytonii
243 records
Desert Grassland Whiptail
Aspidoscelis uniparens
230 records
Chamberlain's Dwarf Salamander
Eurycea chamberlaini
227 records
Oriental Rat Snake
Ptyas mucosa
226 records
Eastern Coral Snake
Micrurus fulvius
226 records
Jordan's Salamander
Plethodon jordani
225 records
Glossy Crayfish Snake
Liodytes rigida
225 records
Plains Blackhead Snake
Tantilla nigriceps
224 records
Western Red-backed Salamander
Plethodon vehiculum
223 records
Two-striped Garter Snake
Thamnophis hammondii
222 records
Kramer's Pit Viper
Trimeresurus macrops
221 records
White-lipped Tree Viper
Trimeresurus albolabris
221 records
Flat-tailed House Gecko
Hemidactylus platyurus
217 records
Indian Green Tree Viper
Craspedocephalus gramineus
217 records
Central Asian Marsh Frog
Pelophylax ridibundus
216 records
Banded Rock Lizard
Petrosaurus mearnsi
215 records
Mississippi Slimy Salamander
Plethodon mississippi
213 records
Southern Gulf Coast Toad
Incilius valliceps
213 records
Orange-throated Whiptail
Aspidoscelis hyperythrus
208 records
Ornate Chorus Frog
Pseudacris ornata
203 records
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Caretta caretta
197 records
Plateau Spotted Whiptail
Aspidoscelis scalaris
195 records
Russell's Viper
Daboia russelii
194 records
Pacific Giant Salamander
Dicamptodon tenebrosus
191 records
Dunn's Salamander
Plethodon dunni
188 records
Desert Night Lizard
Xantusia vigilis
188 records
Graham's Crayfish Snake
Regina grahamii
187 records
Columbia Spotted Frog
Amerana luteiventris
186 records
Crevice Spiny Lizard
Sceloporus poinsettii
185 records
Butler's Garter Snake
Thamnophis butleri
184 records
New Jersey Chorus Frog
Pseudacris kalmi
181 records
Northern Curly-tailed Lizard
Leiocephalus carinatus
179 records
Elegant Earless Lizard
Holbrookia elegans
178 records
Southeastern Slimy Salamander
Plethodon grobmani
177 records
Pine Barrens Treefrog
Dryophytes andersonii
176 records